Monday, 11 July 2022

Flip learning task

In this blog I have discuss about Derrida &Deconstruction  theory which is given to us as a filp  learning task as a part of thinking activity.

What is filp  learning?

According to Kari M. Arfstrom, cofounder of the Flipped Learning Network, flipped learning is all about creating opportunities for active engagement. It’s “a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter,” she explains.

The flipped learning approach is gaining traction every year. According to a 2014 survey from the Flipped Learning Network, 78 percent of teachers said they had flipped a lesson, and 96 percent of those who tried it said they would recommend it to other educators. 

Now, let's  move to Darrida and theory of deconstruction 

Who is derrida?

Jacques Derrida (1930–2004) was the founder of “deconstruction,” a way of criticizing not only both literary and philosophical texts but also political institutions. Although Derrida at times expressed regret concerning the fate of the word “deconstruction,” its popularity indicates the wide-ranging influence of his thought, in philosophy, in literary criticism and theory, in art and, in particular, architectural theory, and in political theory. 

Theory  of deconstruction 

Deconstruction theory, derived from the works of philosopher Jacques Derrida, is a theory of literary analysis that opposes the assumptions of structuralism. Its primary purpose is to discern the relationship between text and meaning

Here I have shared further information as an output of flipped learning  Task. 

What is  the meaning of deconstruction 

Derrida said that it Is not some thing destructed  but it is inquiring the condition

Why It is difficult to define  deconstruction 

First of all Derrida  asking  question that is it possible  to define something?or to what extent can we find something he refuses to define the term deconstruction  so it became more difficult to understand. 

How deconstruction  happens it own?

The very condition Derrida  argues that I based on discition  or binary opposition for this opposition Derrida use a term known as differAnce which is  French  term

Influence  of heidegger  on Derrida 

Heidegger  is  sprouts  from the Freud and Nietzche 

Philosophy  of heidegger

Heidagger  pointed out that western direction of Philosophy is avoided  the question  of being of being.

Concept of phonocentricism

Phonocentrism is the belief that sounds and speech are inherently superior to, or more primary than, written language or sign language. 

Concept of logocentricism

the illusion that the meaning of a word has its origin in the structure of reality and at the same time makes that truth part of that structure seem directly present to the mind

How Derrida deconstruct  the arbitration ?

First of all what is  arbitration ?

What connects a word with its meaning or as a signal with its meaning is convention . Convetion is always social.

How Derrida  use it?.

Darridism concept of diffrance 

In the concept of diffrance means what do you mean by understand.  The meaning  of  one word give the group of another word.

Differance with A

DifferAnce is not idea or concept but a force which make differentiation  possible  which makes postponing  possible

Yale school of deconstruction 

In this Yale school of deconstruction  there are 4 critics  

Paul de man

J.Hills Miller 

Harold Bloom

Geoffrey Hartman 

These people made deconstruction very popular in America 

In this school they were looking literature as per rhetorical and figurative meaning, but figurative language make the meaning problematic.  So these four  critics are showed that literature has multiple  meaning  of one word.

Deconstruction  theory  is difficult  for aesthics as well as historians 

Preoccupation  with romanticism 

Metaphor is being more objective  in romanticism but as per Paul de man  it is not metaphor but allegory  is  more important in romanticism 

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