Hello, readers, we have a thinking activity on practical criticism. We have given 20 poems as a task. In my part There the poem named Vidrohi A hindi poem byKedarnath sinh. Here in this blog
I have tried to interpret the poem with a point of view of I.A. Richard’s
What is practical criticism?
Practical Criticism- Verbal and close study of the text. I.A. Richards says that the meaning of the poem lies within the poem, within its structure. This criticism also has its limitation that it denies help from other fields ( history, biography etc) and because of this sometimes it becomes difficult to understand the meaning of the poem properly.
I.A. Richards notes that the language of poetry is Figurative/ metaphorical/ symbolical and personified. Language of poetry is connotative , not denotative. Meaning lies in the context. So while reading the poetry reader should be aware about these things otherwise there is possibility of Over- literal/ scientific reading, which may lead the reader to a totally different meaning than the intended one of the poem.
केदार नाथ सिंह की कविता-
आज घर में घुसा
तो वहां अजब दृश्य था
सुनिये- मेरे बिस्तर ने कहा-
यह रहा मेरा इस्तीफ़ा
मैं अपने कपास के भीतर
वापस जाना चाहता हूं
उधर कुर्सी और मेज़ का
एक संयुक्त मोर्चा था
दोनों तड़पकर बोले-
जी- अब बहुत हो चुका
आपको सहते-सहते
हमें बेतरह याद आ रहे हैं
हमारे पेड़
और उनके भीतर का वह
ज़िंदा द्रव
जिसकी हत्या कर दी है
उधर आलमारी में बंद
किताबें चिल्ला रही थीं
खोल दो-हमें खोल दो
हम जाना चाहती हैं अपने
बांस के जंगल
और मिलना चाहती हैं
अपने बिच्छुओं के डंक
और सांपों के चुंबन से
पर सबसे अधिक नाराज़ थी
वह शॉल
जिसे अभी कुछ दिन पहले कुल्लू से ख़रीद लाया था
बोली- साहब!
आप तो बड़े साहब निकले
मेरा दुम्बा भेड़ा मुझे कब से
पुकार रहा है
और आप हैं कि अपनी देह
की क़ैद में
लपेटे हुए हैं मुझे
उधर टी.वी. और फोन का
बुरा हाल था
ज़ोर-ज़ोर से कुछ कह रहे थे
पर उनकी भाषा
मेरी समझ से परे थी
-कि तभी
नल से टपकता पानी तड़पा-
अब तो हद हो गई साहब!
अगर सुन सकें तो सुन
इन बूंदों की आवाज़-
कि अब हम
यानी आपके सारे के सारे
आदमी की जेल से
मुक्त होना चाहते हैं
अब जा कहां रहे हैं-
मेरा दरवाज़ा कड़काबाहर
जब मैं निकल रहा था
Firstly, the poet has used understand the metaphorical language used in most of the lines of this poem.On the other hand it can be argued that here the poet talks about the things which are Lifeless.
So it. Can observe that lifeless things can not be spoken, but as I said in above that here is the use of So it is problematic to understand the poem but here I tried to explain the poem.
In the first stanza bed wants to go IN his place from where it came out of means want to go in the cotton. It is surprising that the bed can not speak anything, as well as it can not move aside also, because the poet has imagined that it is speaking.
In the second stanza poet talks about chair table , here poet said that chair table join hands together against the poet for the revoltand these things also wants to go In their place, but it is not possible because as it is Inanimate things it can not moving like the person can that things can not remember as well as thinking power as the human being has. so how the chair table remembers the place. It also can be questioned that how A lifeless thing can revolt against the person? when it was not able to speak.
In the third stanza the poet talks about books, that books are screaming.it wants to go in their place, where it came from again it is a question that how the book was able to speak if it is not able to speak so can it able to scream?it is also question here that if it can not be speak , so how it demand to the poet , this question can be raised when the readers read these lines
खोल दो-हमें खोल दो
हम जाना चाहती हैं अपने
बांस के जंगल
और मिलना चाहती हैं
अपने बिच्छुओं के डंक
और सांपों के चुंबन से
In the fourth stanza - shawl is a lifeless thing, then how can it be unhappy? Shawl is listening to the voice of the lamb but it is impossible. And how can it complain??
In the next stanza T.V. Telephone and Water speak that they want to be free from the jail of humans. But again how can dead things speak?? And at the same time how can human beings understand their speech? Humans have prepared no jail for them then which jail they are talking about? They ( t.v. phone etc) are not our prisoners at all. And why do they want to be free from human beings?
This poem is problematic. Poet has made many serious mistakes in it. In this poem the poet has shown that lifeless, dead things are speaking, complaining and desiring something but it is quite impossible. All these things cannot speak so at the same time poets also can not listen / understand their language.And all these have no meaning, no message at all. There is nothing fruitful in this poem. Poem is not giving aesthetic delight.
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