Thursday, 27 January 2022


In this blog I have shared my review on the movie screening  Vita and Virginia. Which is held in our department. The movie begins with the main protagonist whose name is Vita sackville. I have studied history In my graduation part but there is no character like vita sackville.  It was the first time I came across a  character   like Vita sackville. This is the character who played most important role in the life of  most famous female writer in English literature. Virginia Woolf. This is the most notable incident of Virginia Woolf, by this incident she had written her most famous work Orlando:A biography.When the movie begins the audience can come across the fact that Virginia is the most lively character in English history. We also can come across the fact that in that time the novel of vita sackville was more famous than the Virginia. Here Virginia also asks a question about why the novel of vita is more famous than mine(Virginia's novels).

In the movie it is also shown that the character except the vita sackville Virginia has no  physical relationship with any female while the vita sackville has many physical relationship with other men and also women.

Here by watching the movie the audience can observe a different mentality of man, by the character of  Leonard and  the other character Harold. Harold has a narrow mind mentality and Leonard has a broad mind mentality. It is observed by the scene of Virginia's depression. When she suffered from depression Leonard gave permission to live with vita sackville. When the mentality of Harold(Husband of vita) has quite the opposite nature than Leonard.

Now, I want to share something about  Orlando which is based  on this incident.

Novel begin with the 16 years old boy whose name was Orlando. Who lived for 400 years.Queen was fell in love with this  16 years boy. As It Is written in the novel that Orlando has relationship with girls. Here he first meet the girl whose name was. Shashaa, but after some time Orlando was breaking up relationship with this shashaa, because of this breakup Orlando was very depressed. As I. The movie Virginia was depressed because of her relationship breaking up with her beloved vita, as the same way Orlando fell In the mood of depression. Now Orlando was sleep for 7 days.

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