Sunday, 30 January 2022


Hello, readers, we have a thinking activity on practical  criticism. We have given 20 poems as a task.  In my part There  the poem named Vidrohi  A hindi poem byKedarnath sinh. Here in this blog 

 I have tried to interpret the poem  with a point of view of I.A. Richard’s 

 What is practical criticism?

 Practical Criticism- Verbal and close study of the text. I.A. Richards says that the meaning of the poem lies within the poem, within its structure. This criticism also has its limitation that it denies help from other fields ( history, biography etc)  and because of this sometimes it becomes difficult to understand the meaning of the poem properly.

I.A. Richards notes that the language of poetry is Figurative/ metaphorical/ symbolical and personified.  Language of poetry is connotative , not denotative. Meaning lies in the context. So while reading the poetry reader should be aware about these things  otherwise there is possibility of Over- literal/ scientific reading,  which may lead the reader to a totally different meaning than the intended one of the poem.

                           केदार नाथ सिंह की कविता- 


आज घर में घुसा

                तो वहां अजब दृश्य था

              सुनिये- मेरे बिस्तर ने कहा-

               यह रहा मेरा इस्तीफ़ा

              मैं अपने कपास के भीतर

               वापस जाना चाहता हूं

             उधर कुर्सी और मेज़ का

              एक संयुक्त मोर्चा था

               दोनों तड़पकर बोले-

             जी- अब बहुत हो चुका

आपको सहते-सहते

हमें बेतरह याद आ रहे हैं

हमारे पेड़

और उनके भीतर का वह

ज़िंदा द्रव

जिसकी हत्या कर दी है


उधर आलमारी में बंद

किताबें चिल्ला रही थीं

खोल दो-हमें खोल दो

हम जाना चाहती हैं अपने

बांस के जंगल

और मिलना चाहती हैं

अपने बिच्छुओं के डंक

और सांपों के चुंबन से

पर सबसे अधिक नाराज़ थी

वह शॉल

जिसे अभी कुछ दिन पहले कुल्लू से ख़रीद लाया था

बोली- साहब!

आप तो बड़े साहब निकले

मेरा दुम्बा भेड़ा मुझे कब से

पुकार रहा है

और आप हैं कि अपनी देह

की क़ैद में

लपेटे हुए हैं मुझे

उधर टी.वी. और फोन का

बुरा हाल था

ज़ोर-ज़ोर से कुछ कह रहे थे


पर उनकी भाषा

मेरी समझ से परे थी

-कि तभी

नल से टपकता पानी तड़पा-

अब तो हद हो गई साहब!

अगर सुन सकें तो सुन


इन बूंदों की आवाज़-

कि अब हम

यानी आपके सारे के सारे


आदमी की जेल से

मुक्त होना चाहते हैं

अब जा कहां रहे हैं-

मेरा दरवाज़ा कड़काबाहर

    जब मैं निकल रहा था

Firstly, the poet has used  understand the metaphorical  language used in most of the lines of this poem.On the other hand it can be argued that here the poet talks about the things which are  Lifeless.

So it. Can observe that lifeless  things can not be spoken, but as I said in above that here is the use of So it is problematic  to understand the poem but here I tried to explain the poem.

In the first stanza bed wants to go IN his place from where it came out of means want to go in the cotton. It is surprising that the bed can not speak anything,  as well as it can not move aside also, because the poet has imagined that it is speaking.

In the second stanza poet talks about chair table , here poet said that  chair table join hands together against the poet  for the revoltand these things also  wants to go In their place, but it is not possible because as it is Inanimate things  it can not moving like the person  can that things can not remember as well as thinking power as the human being has. so how the chair table remembers the  place. It also can be questioned that how A lifeless thing can revolt against  the person? when it was not able to speak.

In the third stanza the poet talks about books, that books are wants to go in their place, where it came  from again   it is a question  that how the book was able to speak if it is not able to speak so can it able to scream?it is also  question here that if it can not be speak , so how it demand to the poet , this question can be raised when the readers read these lines

खोल दो-हमें खोल दो

हम जाना चाहती हैं अपने

बांस के जंगल

और मिलना चाहती हैं

अपने बिच्छुओं के डंक

और सांपों के चुंबन से

In the fourth stanza -     shawl  is a lifeless thing, then how can it be unhappy? Shawl is listening to the voice of the lamb  but it is impossible. And how can it complain??

In the next stanza T.V. Telephone and Water speak that they want to be free from the jail of humans. But again how can dead things speak?? And at the same time how can human beings understand their speech? Humans have prepared no jail for them then which jail they are talking about? They ( t.v. phone etc) are not our prisoners at all. And why do they want to be free from human beings?

This poem is problematic. Poet has made many serious mistakes in it. In this poem the poet has shown that lifeless, dead things are speaking, complaining and desiring something but it is quite impossible. All these things cannot speak so at the same time poets also can not listen / understand their language.And all these have no meaning, no message at all. There is nothing fruitful in this poem. Poem is not giving aesthetic delight.


Thursday, 27 January 2022


In this blog I have shared my review on the movie screening  Vita and Virginia. Which is held in our department. The movie begins with the main protagonist whose name is Vita sackville. I have studied history In my graduation part but there is no character like vita sackville.  It was the first time I came across a  character   like Vita sackville. This is the character who played most important role in the life of  most famous female writer in English literature. Virginia Woolf. This is the most notable incident of Virginia Woolf, by this incident she had written her most famous work Orlando:A biography.When the movie begins the audience can come across the fact that Virginia is the most lively character in English history. We also can come across the fact that in that time the novel of vita sackville was more famous than the Virginia. Here Virginia also asks a question about why the novel of vita is more famous than mine(Virginia's novels).

In the movie it is also shown that the character except the vita sackville Virginia has no  physical relationship with any female while the vita sackville has many physical relationship with other men and also women.

Here by watching the movie the audience can observe a different mentality of man, by the character of  Leonard and  the other character Harold. Harold has a narrow mind mentality and Leonard has a broad mind mentality. It is observed by the scene of Virginia's depression. When she suffered from depression Leonard gave permission to live with vita sackville. When the mentality of Harold(Husband of vita) has quite the opposite nature than Leonard.

Now, I want to share something about  Orlando which is based  on this incident.

Novel begin with the 16 years old boy whose name was Orlando. Who lived for 400 years.Queen was fell in love with this  16 years boy. As It Is written in the novel that Orlando has relationship with girls. Here he first meet the girl whose name was. Shashaa, but after some time Orlando was breaking up relationship with this shashaa, because of this breakup Orlando was very depressed. As I. The movie Virginia was depressed because of her relationship breaking up with her beloved vita, as the same way Orlando fell In the mood of depression. Now Orlando was sleep for 7 days.


In This blog I have shared about dystopian literature. What I do with dystopian literature and many more things about that dystopian literature.

What is dystopian literature

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a dystopia is "An imaginary place or condition in which everything is as bad as possible." The easiest way to think about Dystopian Literature and dystopias is to consider that a dystopia is often the result of a society's arranging its government and laws around good.

What is the Difference Between Utopia and Dystopia?

The term “utopia” was coined by Sir Thomas More in his 1516 book Utopia, which was about an ideal society on a fictional island. Unlike utopian literature, dystopian literature explores the dangerous effects of political and social structures on humanity’s future.

Characteristics of Dystopian Fiction

The central themes of dystopian novels generally fall under these topics:

1.Government control

2.Environmental destruction

3.Technological control


5.Loss of individualism

So, these are the five main characteristics of dystopian literature. Here is an explanation of characteristics in detail.

1. Government Control

Government plays a big role in dystopian literature. Generally, there is either no government or an oppressive ruling body.

In George Orwell’s 1984, the world is under complete government control. The fictional dictator Big Brother enforces omnipresent surveillance over the people living in the three inter-continental superstates remaining after a world war.

2.Technological Control:

Advanced science and technology in dystopian works go beyond tools for improving everyday life—technology is often depicted as a controlling, omnipresent force and is often used as a fear-mongering tactic.

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, written in 1932, explores the danger of technology. The ruling World State uses powerful conditioning technologies to control reproduction and citizens’ actions.

3.Environmental Disaster:

Dystopian novels are often set in places that are inhabitable, have been destroyed, or are preparing for destruction.

The Road by Cormac McCarthy, written in 2006, is a post-apocalyptic story about a father and son venturing across the ruins of America after an extinction event.


The oppressive powers and destruction in dystopian worlds often leave the inhabitants to fend for themselves.

The Running Man was written by Stephen King and first published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman in 1982. Taking place in 2025, the novel is about an impoverished man living under an oppressive government who competes on a life-threatening game show in order to earn money to care for his family.

5.Loss of Individualism:

How should the needs of society as a whole compare to individual needs? Many dystopian futures depict the dangers of conformity.

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, written in 1953, follows a fireman whose job is to burn books. Because of the censorship of books, this future society has increased interest in technology and entertainment—and an inability to think freely and creatively.

Dystopian novels

 the dystopian novel (works such as Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four), derive from his writings. His ideas and formal innovations exercised a profound influence on Friedrich Nietzsche, André Gide, Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, André Malraux, and Mikhail Bulgakov, to name only a few. Above all, his works continue to enthrall readers by combining suspenseful plots with ultimate questions about faith, suffering, and the meaning of likfe.


Hello, in this blog I have put some   light on the 20th century  and how the 20th century was. As per A.C. ward wrote in his book. Which is in our syallbus an we have a Paper of history  so here i put some   information as per my understanding.A.C.ward wrote something like this.

 Here the author said that the human race moved through a remarkable series of upheaval during the fifty generation. 

Mastery in physical world:

In the 20th century men were masters in the physical world as well as in material  resources.

Time of  scientific revolution:

Time of the 20th century is the time of the scientific revolution which is the most powerful feature of the 20th century.

Concept of progress and regress:

progress accompanied in its later phases by an unprecedented moral and spiritual relapse. Progress and regress, both, are fruits of the Scientific Revolution .

Some invention:

There are many inventions like motorcycles, aeroplanes and many other gadgets. It is given unlimited mobility to millions

How the Victorian society as per A.C.ward

 As per A.Cward the Victorian society was hypocritical, mean, superficial,stupid.

Victorian literature:

Here A.c ward  also talks about  Victorian Literature. It was directed by mental attitude, moral ideas. In short, in Victorian Literature there is everyThing was held to open a question.

Post Victorian Literature

In the post Victorian age here A.C.ward says about post Victorian Literature, in this literature there is widespread and willing submission to the rule of experts, the voice of authority, politics, in literature, in family life.

the Victorian spirit of acceptance and affirmation was for the most part an innocent weakness, a readiness to accept phrases at face value without critical examination. Victorian faith and morality may have been unflawed on the surface, but to early twentieth century minds, they often seemed to lack any core of personally realised conviction- to be mere second- hand clothing of the mind and spirit.

Idea of permance : no more

Among the writers of 20th century there is idea of permance was changed by  the sense of universal mutablity.

Death of craft man ship 

 By the middle of the century, individual skill and craftsman's pride had almost vanished.

Era of new literature:

The time of 20th century is known as the era of New literature, as  that era many plays are written in New pattern like Though Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot (1955) T.S Eliot waste land James Joyce Ulysses.this all works followed new pattern.

Two major movements

 In the 20 th century there is a two movements by writers are exist. 1. Bloomsbury group

2.fabiyan society.

About Bloomsbury group

The Bloomsbury Group—or Bloomsbury Set—was a group of associated English writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists in the first half of the 20th century, including Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes, E. M. Forster and Lytton Strachey.

Bloomsbury Group which went some way to restoring, though with a difference, the art-for-art's sake principle.

About fabiyan society

The Fabian Society had been founded in 1884 for the 'general dissemination of knowledge as to the relation between the individual and society in its economic, ethical and political aspects', and the end-result of this dissemination was to be 'the spread of Socialist opinions, and the social and political changes consequent thereon'.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022



Essay published  in 1919. The egoist the times literary supplement later, essay was published in sacred wood:essay on poetry  and criticism in 1920. Essay described  by David lodge as the most celebrated  critical  essay in English 20th century.  Essay divided into the three parts.

Essay in three parts:

In the first part Eliot  gives us a concept of tradition in the second part he exemplifies theory of depersonalization and third part poet sense of tradition and impersonality of poetry.

Tradition is favourable term in English who generally utilize  the same censer. The English do not possess criticism as the French do.

For the better understanding our professor suggests  us to watch the videos and here I give my understanding  of  that videos  realted this subject or this essay.

Very Firstly here the speaker  talks about Eliot and his contemporaries like I.A.RICHARDS and many other are also there. They all were in the school of  New critism.  As I mentioned in the introducation  there is three parts in Eliot essay. So a reader raised a question  that how the three parts are realted to Eliot. 

Here the speaker gives the example of the work by Eliot  that work preface to Lancelot.  

In the next part here speaker gives the concept  of tradition and how individual  talent is associated  with tradition?

So in the answer that tradition  means particular  place overall period of time people living a life believe in certain principles and carry out way of life. In that there is certain aspect was negative  certain aspects was speakers gives two meanings and that is modern&traditional.  Here modern means good, traditional  means not so good.

Meaning of word tradition 

Here Eliot see the word tradition  with very  positive way or positive sense. He wants to assert that he is seeing the term in positive way.  He puts great deal of responsibility  on the individual author. 

Term of anthropology 

In the reading of Eliot  poetry we came across the term anthropology, as well as French symbolism, shakespeare Christian religion manner, mythology. He brings these type of elements in his poetry.

Now he I being aware with all of thes type of tradition.

Criticism of romantics:

On the other hand Eliot criticises Romantics. This word is the opposite of romanticism. 

Review of mathew  Arnold 

Mathew  Arnold says that no individual writer senses one's own. In the Same essay Eliot says the author makes sense by himself.

Oftquoted sentences 

Some can absorb knowledge  the  more tardy they must sweat for it. Shakespear acquired  more essential  history from Plutarch  than most men could from the whole British museum. 


Here the readers can find  that Shakespeare  I expectional,  as the readers already know about Shakespeare,  he does not go to any university, while Marlow is a university Wits. 

          As matthew  Arnold says In the function of criticism  that great epochs of creativity doesn't  come often.


Here  in the essay by Eliot it I also become very  important  that critics  should give the readers fresh ideas

Comparison of poetic process with chemical reaction

Here Eliot gives a reference of chemical reaction he also compares  chemical reaction with poetic process.

 Different views of some critics

Here Plato gives an explanation: Poets are franzy. Aristotle says that poet means a person who makes poetry.dryden says that the creative process Is in three different  stages: first is invention, fertility and the third one Is clothing. When words worth saying that  poetry Is all about spontaneous overflowing powerful feelings.

In the last part Eliot describes a Shakespeare lecture on the soul and he also says that an unaffected  mind is like the script of platinum. 


To sum up this essay by Eliot readers can come across that it is divided in three tradition and  historical sense are connected  with one another. Idea of tradition, that tradition  does not mean following the dogmas or customs. It is much more than that.

For Eliot tradition has three fold  significance  

  1. Tradition can not be inherited 

  2. It involves  the historical sense

  3. Enables writers to write not only their own generation's literature.

A poet must know about  contemporary  writers.

African Literature

Name: Hirva Pandya Roll No.: 10 Enrollment No.: 4069206420210022 Paper no: 206 Paper code: 22413 Paper name: African Literature  Sem.: 4 (Ba...