Sunday, 21 November 2021


Definition of metaphysical  poetry?

Metaphysical poetry is a group of 

poems that share common 

characteristics: they are all highly 

intellectualized, use rather strange 

imagery, use frequent paradox and 

contain extremely complicated thoughts.

A group of Poets were emerged  in the  16th century.whose poetry identified   as metaphysical  poetry.  It was dr. Samuel Johnson who was a classicist  of the neo classical age who named poetry of donne and his school also. Johnson used terms  while writing about the life of Abraham cowley his biographical  work with the title "THE LIVES OF THE ENGLISH POETS" with the passing of time  the same term became  the term of appraisal   for their poetry. 

What does metaphysical mean?

The word 'meta' means 'after,' so the literal translation of 

'metaphysical' is 'after the physical.' Basically, metaphysics deals with 

questions that can't be explained by science. It questions the nature of 

reality in a philosophical way.

• Here are some common metaphysical questions:

• Does God exist?

• Is there a difference between the way things appear to us and the way 

they really are? Essentially, what is the difference between reality and 


• Is everything that happens already predetermined? If so, then is free 

choice non-existent?

• Is consciousness limited to the brain?

Metaphysics can cover a broad range of topics from religious to 

consciousness; however, all the questions about metaphysics ponder 

the nature of reality. And of course, there is no one correct answer to 

any of these questions. Metaphysics is about exploration and 

philosophy, not about science and math.



 This is the most important  characteristic of metaphysical  poetry. The metaphysical poetry are easy in the trial of finger, but it also can be hard to listening, to understand  this sentence we 

 take example of a 'Flea'  which is written by John donne.

Conscious Attempt 

All the metaphysical  poets made conscious attempts to  differ from the poetry of former Poets and their writings. They try to  differ both  in the manner  and manner of writing of poetry.

They use this characteristics  because readers can notice it. One critic HELEN C WHITE mentions that  it was a demand of a time for the metaphysical  to differ  from the Poets of the previous age. Had they continue  writing poetry in the same manner just like the former Poets their poetry would have been rejected. Due to new learning and reformation of the Elizabethan age.

We can say  that the metaphysical  poet are different  from the early Poets now the readers may raised the question  that

How are metaphysical Poets different?

They used  far-fetched  images in their poetry.

        The early Poets  took the subject  related  field  in their poetry. When the metaphysical  Poets were brought the images  which are not usually connected. We can take an example of the Flea  where Donne talks about love where he uses a Flea as a symbol.

In the poem to his coy mistress  by D.G rossetti in brief  all the metaphysical Poets use the FAR FETCHED IMAGES in their poetry.

In order to express either love or their faith in Christianity.  They brought their  images from different  fields. Just like biology, architecture,  Engineering,  Agriculture, Geometry , and even political science. This gives a unique   identity  to  their poetry.

No use of music

 In metaphysical poetry the poet wrote a poem without music and without  image.

Display of scholarship

All the  metaphysical  displays their scholarship   through their poems, university graduates and men of learning. 

Intellectual level

Metaphysical  poets tried to be intellectual.  For understanding  a poem we have to be mental

 exercise. The intellectual level of a poet went upward, so metaphysics poets tried  to be intellectual to  write poetry.

Different themes of poetry:

 In metaphysical  poetry religion is not the only theme of metaphysical  poetry. Love is also theme  of metaphysical  poem

Highly physical

Though  it is known as metaphysical  poetry they tried to  be highly  physical  also.


Use of Geometrical images

           Between the  creator and the creation  Andrew Marwell use of geometrical images  for the expression of love .

Deals with thought feelings

Metaphysics also deals with thoughts and feelings.

Highly ambiguous 

Metaphysical poetry is considered highly 

ambiguous due to high intellect and 

knowledge of metaphysical poets.

Example  of  some poem:

First example is the poem of John Donne  who made use of biological images in his poem A Flea  for the expression of love.

Second   example is a poem by George Herbert. He made use of  an image from the field of mechanical engineering. For the expression  of his faith  in Christianity. The  example  in the poem  with the title of  the pulley.which creates connections  between  creator  and creation. Pulley is an image of engineering   but in his poem it is used to restlessness.


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