Sunday, 26 September 2021

About Ben johnson

"For this i find where jealousy is fed horns in the mind are worse than on the head."
                                                -Ben jonson
Most commanding  literary figure
 Ben jonson known as "most commanding  literary figure"  of Elizabeth age.he was literary director  of london &he is chief of all wits.with his great learning, his ability and his commanding positions a poet laureate,he set himself surely against romantic tendency of the age. For  two things he fought bravely
1.To restore classical form of drama
2.Keep the stage downward stage
 He generally regarded as second most important dramatist after william shakespear.  Johnson lasting influence upon
"English poetry&stage comedy.he was classically  educated, well read&culutured  man of reinessance. He was popularised  The  comedy of humors. He is best known for satirical play.
Life of Ben jonson:
Johnson was born in 11 June  at westminster about the year 1573. His father was educated gentleman.jonson got certain strong characteristics from her mother. In the work of jonson led to see which kind of her mother was. 
Some incidents of jonson life:

       Ben joson telling Drummond  of the occasion when he was  thrown into prison, because some passages of comedy of " East ward ho" gave offense  to "king james" &he was danger of horrible death . After his pardon to  king james he was banqueting with his friends. When his "old mother came in showed up paper full of  " strong posion" which she  intended  to mix with his drink just before execution. 

            This   is  "more suggestive" from  the fact that chapman&Marston  one is a friend, but other is enemy were first  cast into prison as the author of Edward  ho once declare jonsonhad a small hand  in the writing & went to join them in a prison. 

Married  life  of Ben jonson :
 Ben jonson married pricipitately  when he  wasonly twenty years old.

Ben jonson as a reviser of old play 
   After five years he employed  like a shakespear,as actor &"reviser  of  old play"  in  theater.

Jonson  as a leader of literary work
     After his first play " every man in humor"  he became leader  of literary work of  his time. After 1616 after retirement  of shakespeare he stopped writing for him self and gave him self study and serious work.

Works of jonson
"Every man in  his humor"
"The alchemist"
"The slient woman"

About Every man out of his humor
    This is "first comedy" of Ben jonson. This  is a  " key to all dramas.  The word "humor" stood for "whim or quality "  of society. Jonson gives  to protagonist some prominent  humor as the cartoonist enlarge the attention the other qualities are lost sight of  which Dickens use many of his novels.

First of three satire
     Every man humor is a first of "three satire"  its special aim was to ridicule humor of the city

  With the sum up the life of Ben jonson we can say that the beginning of jonson life very normal&common way,but by the end of his life he gave notable  contribution to literature of english in elizabethen age&make english literature more rich&powerful with his contribution.

Number of words:700



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