Name: Hirva Pandya
Roll No.: 10
Enrollment No.: 4069206420210022
Paper no: 208
Paper code: 22415
Paper name: Comparative and Translation study
Sem.: 4 (Batch 2021- 2023)
Submitted to: Smt S.B. Gardi Department of English, M.K. Bhavnagar University
What is comparative Study
Comparative is a concept that derives from the verb “to compare” (the etymology is Latin comparare, derivation of par = equal, with prefix com-, it is a systematic comparison). Comparative studies are investigations to analyse and evaluate, with quantitative and qualitative methods, a phenomenon and/or facts among different areas, subjects, and/or objects to detect similarities and/or differences.
According to Syed Aftab Hassan Bukhari
Comparative Study analyses and compares two or more objects or ideas. Comparative studies are the studies to demonstrate ability to examine, compare and contrast subjects or ideas.Comparative study shows how two subjects are similar or shows how two subjects are different. When the practice of comparative study began is a matter of debate.
KarlDeutsch has suggested we have been using this form of investigation for over 2,000 years. Comparing things is essential to basic science .
Why is Comparative studies is important?
According to Esping‐Anderson’s research, comparative study can take many forms. Two important key factors are space and time. Spatially cross‐national comparisons are by far the most common, although comparisons within countries, contrasting different areas, cultures and governments also subsist and are very constructive.
The comparative study als involves comparing different time frames. The comparative study helps the researcher to ascend from the initial level of exploratory case studies to a more advanced level of general theoretical models, invariance, such as causality or evolution. The comparative study is
Simple designs, objects are specimens or cases which are similar in some respects but they differ in some respects. These differences become the focus of examination
The goal is to find out why the ases are
different to reveal the general underlying structure which generates or allows such a variation.
. In this assignment we are supposed to write abstract, key points / arguments and concluding remarks on all three articles of Unit 1 of paper Comparative Literatures and Translation Studies. It also includes the recording of class presentations presented by respective students.
why comparative Indian Literature
Sisir Kumar Das
Article begins with an idea of an attempt to find unity in the literature of India. At the beginning of the century a group of scholars have been trying to project the idea of Indian literature emphasising the underlying unity of themes and forms and attitudes. It is commendable but these attempts in discovering the basic unity of the Indian creative mind are made at the risk of ignoring the plurality of expressions in our creative minds.
The word comparative however has created some confusion and one wonders whether it is being used to lend some respectability to the study of Indian languages by linking up with comparative literature. The main dilemma of the comparator then is to reconcile his idea of literature as a single universe of verbal expression with his ability to study totality.
Gothe spoke about Weltliteratur instead of European literature. National literature is now rather than an unmeaning term, said Gothe conversation with eckermann on 31 January 1827 the epoch of world literature is at hand and everyone must strive to hasten its approach.
A comparator is hardly in a position to exercise any aesthetic judgement choosing best work in all languages of the world. He is mainly concerned with the relationships he resembles and differences between national literatures. The comparator knows that comparative literature is a method of investigation while world literature as Gothe means is a body of valuable literary works.
Western comparatism has kept itself restricted to Western literature. If one goes through the corpus of a work already enormous in size produced by him, one would wonder whether he is aware of the existence of any literature other than his own. The contact between both east and west literature began very early in History.
Europe came to know about Hebrew literature the day it accepted Christianity. The Panchatantra reached Europe through Arabic and Syrian versions before the renaissance. La Fontaine in the second edition of his fables Acknowledges his debt to Pilpay. European acquaintance with Arabic was even earlier. the court of cordova in spain in a 11th century was a centre of arabic literature.spanish arabic poetry particularly work of of Cordova Ibn Hazon or mutamid is now integral part of literary history in spain. and by the end of 18th century Europe discovered sanskrit which brought revolution in linguistics.
When comparative literature was established in the universities of Europe and America translation of many works in Chinese and Japanese of course in Arabic and Persian were available in European Languages.
Das is ready to admit that the charge of Eurocentrism against the western comparatist is unfair and that his choice of European literatures as the main area of investigation has been prompted more by pragmatism than by prejudice against oriental literatures. Ulrich Weinsstein expressed his hesitation to extend ‘the study of parallels of phenomena pertaining to two different civilizations’,
One can also argue western literature is a study of different national literature while comparative literature is the study of different literature written in many languages. today we have many nation states like india with many languages or soviet union consisting of several nationalities.
when the case of comparative indian literature as a valid area of comparative literature in the west exclusively studies western literature.
In a recent article towards comparative indian literature Amiya dev said comparison is the right reason for us because one we are multilingual two we are Third world. The third world situation that lends Indian comparative literature of greater validity may need further comments. He points out that the tools of Western comparison are hardly adequate to deal with our literary situation.
Scribd. (n.d.). What is comparative study?: By: Syed Aftab Hassan Bukhari. Scribd. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from
Sisir Kumar Das’s “Comparative literature in India:” transcending ... (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2023, from
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