Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Future of Post colonial studies

 in this blog i have wrote about Future  of post colonial studies which was given as a thinking activity by Dr.  Dilip  Barad sir.

What is post colonial studies?

Postcolonialism is the critical academic study of the cultural, political and economic legacy of colonialism  and imperialism , focusing on the impact of human control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands. More specifically, it is a critical theory  analysis of the history, culture, literature, and discourse of (usually European) imperial power.

Postcolonialism encompasses a wide variety of approaches, and theoreticians may not always agree on a common set of definitions. On a simple level, through anthropological study, it may seek to build a better understanding of colonial life—based on the assumption that the colonial rulers are unreliables —from the point of view of the colonized people. On a deeper level, postcolonialism examines the social and political  power  relationships that sustain colonialism and neocolonialism  including the social, political and cultural narratives  surrounding the colonizer and the colonized. This approach may overlap with studies of contemparory history  and may also draw examples from anthropology, history graphy ,Science, philosophy, sociology  and human geography Sub-disciplines of postcolonial studies examine the effects of colonial rule on the practice of feminismanarchismliterature, and christian thought.

Future Of Post Colonial studies

in this topic there are two articles the first one is about is the article of  Ania  Loomba 

1. Conclusion : Globalization and the Future of Post Colonial studies.

This article starts with the global war of terror. article also include the attck of 9/11. this violent events is also part of globalization.

Post colonial study is the very violent events like this is also a part of the phenomenon we think of as globalization.

Michel Hardt & Antonio Negri : 'Empire'

Empire argues that where as old  imperial world was marked by  competition  between  different European powers. new  order terrorized by a single power.

Empire manages hybrid identities, flexible hierarchies, and plural exchanges through modulating networks of command. The Distinct national colors of the imperial map of the world have merged and blended in the imperial global rainbow. 

hardet and negri do not identify united states as a  new power although they do not argue that empire is born through  expansion of the internal US  constitutional project', a project which sought to include and incorporate minorities into the mainstream rather than simply expel or exclude them 

Empire is imperial and not imperialist   because it does not  consist powerful nations that  aim to invade ,destroy, and subsume subject.

Arjun Appaduraj - " Modernity at Large" 
Modernity at Large, catalogues of 'multiple locations' and new of communication, new foods, new clothes and new patterns of consumption are offered as evidence for both the newness and the benefits of globalisation. 

Simon Gikandi - "Globalization and the claim of Post colonialist".

Simon Gikandi astutely observes that despite the fact that globalisation is so often seen to have made redundant the terms of postcolonial critique.he also points out, 'it is premature to argue that the images and narratives that denote the new global culture are connected to a global structure or that they are disconnected from earlier or older forms of identity 

Samuel Huntington - Clash of Civilization

Samuel  Huntington talk about clash of civilization anti-Semitism and Islamophobia (Lambert 2004). Early modern views modern views of Muslims and Jews are also important in reminding us that 'culture' and 'biology

 P. Sainath - "And Then There was The Market"

Market fundamentalism destroys more human lives than any other simply because it cuts across all national, cultural, geographic, religious and other boundaries. It’s as much at home in Moscow as in Mumbai or Minnesota. A South Africa – whose advances in the early 1990s thrilled the world – moved swiftly from apartheid to neo-liberalism. It sits as easily in Hindu, Islamic or Christian societies. And it contributes angry, despairing recruits to the armies of all religious fundamentalisms.

Based on the premise that the market is the solution to all the problems of the human race, it is, too, a very religious fundamentalism. It has its own Gospel: The Gospel of St. Growth, of St. Choice...

the market gives you a choice only if you have money. The more money you have the greater the choice you enjoy.

It has its temples of learning and its sects. Like The Marie Antoinette School of Economics (or the ‘Let them-eat-cake’ crowd) in which India is emerging a world leader. Its sacred triad of privatization, globalization and hi-tech-fixes-all, doctrines.

for more information click on the link.,It%20wasn%E2%80%99t%20just%20India%20with%2044%20million

Controversy Around Nestle Company

The globalization of Nestle has brought both negative and positive impacts on the environment.

On one hand, Nestle is working at creating products which are less harmful to the earth. For example, Nestle Waters uses eco-friendly plastic water bottles that are “made with at least thirty less plastic than the average half-liter bottle”. Also, the company has succeeded in reducing the packaging weight due to the collaboration between the Nestle waters R&D center and the packaging agencies. Since 2008, greenhouse gas emissions and non-renewable energy impacts for the packaging process have been reduced by 19 percent in Nestle Waters. In addition, the company uses renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As a matter of fact, Nestle Mexico obtains 85 percent of its electricity from wind power.

On the other hand, Nestlé’s globalization has greater negative effects on the environment such as pollution and the abuse of resources. For instance, according to Greenpeace, Nestle failed to obey the regulations in China and discharged huge waste in rivers and lakes there. Also, the company illegally pumped millions of gallons of water from California’s San Bernardino National Forest for ten years, which is against the federal law. for more information  click on this link

Controversy Around Maggi

There is also controversy around maggi it can be called as example of Globalization.  A dark side or down side of the globalization.

 For more information click on this link


Reluctant Fundamentalism:

 The conflict between market fundamentalism and religious fundamentalism in the aftermath of 9/11

Sonali cable: - 

conflict between a girl who runs local tv/internet cable service vs giant company 'Shining' which started providing broadband.


Article starts with the practitioner of Postcolonial studies like Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak,

"No longer have a Postcolonial perspective.I think Postcolonial is the day before yesterday"

According to Ramachandra Guha and Jaun Martinez-Alier,
In india the Narmada Bachao Aandolan led widespread protests against a project,funded by multinational as well as indigenous capital.And it's just not damage only ecology but the displacement of thousands of tribal peoples all across the Narmada Valley.

Arundhati Roy

She reminds us that tribal people in central India have a history of resistance that predates Mao by centuries.

In that Luxemburg's ideas remain important today for two reasons.

1.She alert us to the deep historical connection between trade and colonialism.

2.She reminds us that accumulation is a constant process rather than a past event.

According to Harvey,

All the features of primitive accumulation that Marx mentions have remained powerfully present with capitalism’s historical geography until now. Displacement of peasant populations and the formation of a landless proletariat has accelerated in countries such as Mexico and India in the last three decades, many formerly common property resources, such as water, have been privatised (often at World Bank insistence) … alternative (indigenous and even, in the case of the United States, petty commodity) forms of production and consumption have been suppressed. Nationalised industries have been privatised. Family farming has been taken over by agribusiness. And slavery has not disappeared.

As   per Chakrabarty

Climate change, refracted through global capital, will no doubt accentuate the logic of inequality that runs through the rule of capital; some people will no doubt gain temporarily at the expense of others. But the whole crisis cannot be reduced to a story of capitalism. 



 in This movie it can be observed that how one tiger is stuck between that place where industrial development was grown up. The story goes like this tiger became the talk of town and politicians use this for upcoming elections. One forest officer called Vidhya tries to save a tiger and send them to a zoo and one professor helped her and at the climax of the movie we found that at the middle there is a mill. Tiger is not able to across it and that’s why she stuck.  


Curse or Karna

 This blog is response to thinking activity. which was given as a task by Yesha Bhatt ma'am. blog is realted to the life of karna which was part of our syallbus, named of unit curse or karna.

About Writer

Kailasam   was born in a Tamil brahmin family in southern Karnataka, India. He belonged to the Mangudi Brahacharanam subsect. His father, T Paramasiva Iyer, was employed as munsif in the Mysore state service and progressed to become the Chief Justice of the Mysore High Court. His father's brother was the Madras High Court judge, Sir T. Sadasiva Iyer.

Kailasam's life was dedicated to local theatre and his contributions revolutionised it. His humour left an impression on Kannadigas. He opposed the company theatre's obsession with mythology and stories of royalty and shied away from loading his plays with music. Instead, he introduced simple, realistic sets. Kailasam chaired the Kannada Sahitya Sammelana held at Madras in 1945. He spent almost 10 years in a place he called 'NOOK'. It was a very dirty place, yet he loved it and wrote many dramas in there. He dictated his stories to his students at the 'NOOK', usually starting after 10 pm. He was a chain smoker.

works of T.P. Kailasam 
  • ToLLu Gatti or MakkaLiskool Manelalwe?
  • Poli Kitti, The Story of a born scout
  • Bahishkaraiframe 
  • HomeRoolu
  • Fulfilment
  • Purpose
  • The Brahmin's Curse
  • Simply Kailawesome (film)

About Curse or Karna

Theory of subaltern

The question of subalternity emerges in relation to subordinate social groups and individuals whose historical activity is repressed, neglected, misinterpreted or ‘at the margins’ of hegemonic histories, discourses and social formations. In particular, subalternity represents the common theme circulating among interconnected intellectual endeavours that have offered different interpretations of this issue. Its circulation started in the 1930s with Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks and his observations on subalternity, which were written while he was a prisoner of the Italian fascist regime, just before his death. It has subsequently unfolded over the last 85 years, more recently informing Subaltern Studies.


Gramsci’s idea of subalternity expands the Marxist categories of ‘proletariat’ and  ‘underclasses’,  focusing on the aspects of cultural subordination that are intertwined with economic oppression. Generally speaking, “he refers to slaves, peasants, religious groups, women, different races, the popolani (common people) and popolo (people) of the medieval communes, the proletariat, and the bourgeoisie prior to the [Italian] Risorgimento as subaltern groups.  Gramsci  conceives subalternity as an intersectionality of the variations of race, class, gender, culture, religion, nationalism, and colonialism functioning within an ensemble of socio-political and economic relations”

Here the referance of Gayatri spivak's work "Can subltern  speak? is also  notable

in which she talk about When we come to the concomitant question of the consciousness of the subaltern, the notion of what the work cannot say becomes important. 

In the semioses of the social text, elaborations of insurgency stand in the place of ‘the utterance.’ The sender - ‘the peasant’ - is marked only as a pointer to an irretrievable consciousness. As for the receiver, we must ask who is ‘the real receiver’ of an ‘insurgency?’ The historian, transforming ‘insurgency’ into ‘text for knowledge,’ is only one ‘receiver’ of any collectively intended social act. With no possibility of nostalgia for that lost origin, the historian must suspend (as far as possible) the clamor of his or her own consciousness (or consciousness-effect, as operated by disciplinary training), so that the elaboration of the insurgency, packaged with an insurgent-consciousness, does not freeze into an ‘object of investigation,’ or, worse yet, a model for imitation. ‘The subject’ implied by the texts of insurgency can only serve as a counterpossibility for the narrative sanctions granted to the colonial subject in the dominant groups. The postcolonial intellectuals learn that their privilege is their loss. In this they are a paradigm of the intellectuals. 


karna: As a subltern character
in  the mahabharta karna is only subltern character. which make him unique from the other pandvas, because of his bountiful nature he became an unique character ,but because of his low born he faces many problems during his  whole life. the main problem is his identity he known as a sooth putra when he was not. he faces three curses because of his subltern identity.
The First time it is seen in the 1st act is guru rama cursed him that when some one talks about your low born your limbs, heart, mind is paralysed.

Second Time sublaternity seen when drupadi insult him by  calling him sooth putra. 
Karna was often faces humalition because of his subltern  identity durning his whole life.
here i put one episode of karna in which he question about his subltern identity

o console Karna Adhiratha sensibly replied, “My dear son, during your education you will surely study scriptures and find out for yourself that they don’t sanction any kind of discrimination. These divisions are all manmade and tools used by those people who wield power to subjugate those who are weak and less fortunate. Let me assure you, my son, being a Suta is not a crime. We earn our living by fair means and struggle hard to make both ends meet. Be assured there is no dishonor involved in all this. But you and I are not in a position to change the system. My advice to you is that you can earn recognition by hard work and dedication and outshine everyone with your superior capabilities. For that, you have to work very hard and convert your anger into the will to overcome the handicap of discrimination. I am sure one day you would achieve such heights as are aspired for only by the best of men”

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Midnight's Children

 This blog is a response of thinking activity which was given by  Dr. Dilip Barad sir. this blog is about Midnight's children which was written by Salman Rushdie.

No people whose word for 'yesterday' is the same as their word for 'tomorrow' can be said to have a firm grip on the time.”

-Salman Rushdie

About Author:

Salman Rushdie, in full Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie, born June 19, 1947, Mumbai  Indian-born writer whose allegorical novels examine historical and philosophical issues by means of  surreal characters, brooding humour, and an effusive and melodramatic prose style. His treatment of sensitive religious and political subjects made him a controversial figure.

Controversial Figure

Nowadays Rushdie was a most controversial figure because there is incident in which  August 12, 2022 at around 10:47 a.m. EDT,, a man stabbed Salman Rushdie as he was about to give a public lecture on the United States as safe haven for exiled writers at the Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua, New York, United States.

The 75-year-old was stabbed 15 times and was later airlifted to a hospital, where he was put on ventilator support for roughly a day. A day after the attack, his agent Andrew Wylie confirmed that Rushdie was taken off the ventilator and he was talking, reported AP.

Fatwa &Death Treats

Rushdie’s book 'The Satanic Verses' has been banned in Iran since 1988, as many Muslims consider it to be blasphemous. A year later, Iran’s late leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa, or edict, calling for Rushdie’s death. A bounty of over $3 million has also been offered for anyone who kills Rushdie,' reports AP.

Recalling the incident, author and Rushdie's friend, Ian McEwan had said in an earlier interview to The Guardian, "The first few months were the worst. No one knew anything. Were Iranian agents, professional killers, already in place in the UK when the fatwa was proclaimed? Might a "freelancer", stirred by a denunciation in a mosque, be an effective assassin? The media excitement was so intense that it was hard to think straight. The mobs were frightening. They burned books in the street, they bayed for blood outside parliament and waved "Rushdie must die" placards. No one was arrested for incitement."

Rushdie’s book 'The Satanic Verses' has been banned in Iran since 1988, as many Muslims consider it to be blasphemous. A year later, Iran’s late leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa, or edict, calling for Rushdie’s death. A bounty of over $3 million has also been offered for anyone who kills Rushdie,' reports AP.

Recalling the incident, author and Rushdie's friend, Ian McEwan had said in an earlier interview to The Guardian, "The first few months were the worst. No one knew anything. Were Iranian agents, professional killers, already in place in the UK when the fatwa was proclaimed? Might a "freelancer", stirred by a denunciation in a mosque, be an effective assassin? The media excitement was so intense that it was hard to think straight. The mobs were frightening. They burned books in the street, they bayed for blood outside parliament and waved "Rushdie must die" placards. No one was arrested for incitement."

About Midnight's Children

Midnight's Children is a loose allegory for events in 1947 British Raj India and after the Partition of india. The protagonist and narrator of the story is Saleem Sinai born at the exact moment when India became an independent country. He was born with telepathic powers, as well as an enormous and constantly dripping nose with an extremely sensitive sense of smell. This work of Rushdie  divided in  three books

1st book:1915-1947

2nd book:1947-1965

3rd book:1965-1978

Film Adoption

Midnight’s Children is Calgary International Film Festival’s Red Carpet Opening Gala presentation. Directed by Indo-Canadian, Oscar nominated Deepa Mehta (Water, 2005) in close collaboration with author Salman Rushdie, the film’s screening on September 20 marked its Western Canadian premiere.

Midnight’s Children won the Booker Prize in 1981, and the Best of the Booker in 2008. While the novel is magic realism in genre, the film adaptation is a realistic, almost exact transposition of the novel into screen. Author Salman Rushdie asserts his authority in condensing 533 pages into 148 minutes of screen time, offering us a concise rendition of an epic story spanning four generations.

he audience has much to gain not only from Rushdie adapting his own work, but also from his voiceover narration. This is especially beneficial for those who have not read the novel. Here, the narrator is speaking directly to the viewers, and not like the book narrator Saleem telling his story to Padma as the reader eavesdrops. Rushdie’s narration strings together time, places, events, emotions and nuances into coherence.

Narrative Techinque Of The Novel

 The narrator of the story or it can be said that the protagonist of the story is Saleem Sinai.The novel begins with this line  

I was born in the city of Bombay... once upon a time. No, that won'tdo, there's no getting away from the date: I was born in Doctor Narlikar's Nursing Home on August 15th, 1947. And the time? The time matters, too.

So it can be observe that in the begining  of the novel Saleem himself  narrating his story. After narrating his story he tells story of city of Bombay. here Rushdie use it not as a city but as a character.

Uses of Time: Present to Past To Future

in the novel as well as in movie it can be observe that saleem narrates a story from present to and past to future. he begins his story  from his present time then he shifted the time when he was born and it ended with his child.

Uses of Flashbacks

in the movie there is flashbacks is use here. the  flashback is use to remember the incidents of Saleem's childhood, or to remember other character.

Absense of Padma's character 

in the novel the character of padma is present as a listener of saleem's story padma is represented as uneducated woman. but in the movie there is absense of padma's there is no listener in the movie this is major change in movie

As the character of padma is absense in movie saleem doesn't tell any one about his condition as well as his problems.

in the movie there is another character instead of Padma who is known as Picture Singh. he is not a listener as padma was, but he is silent observer of Saleem's life (After Marriage).



Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Sunday reading Task

 In This  blog I have wrote about thinking skill which was given as a task by Dr. Dilip barad sir. We had workshop on thinking skills by Milan pandya sir.

 in which he had talk about 

Critical Thinking

Creative Thinking

Critical Thinking Thinking about thinking in order to improve thinking

Here are some examples of that in which if we read critically or logically there is some problematic things we can found .

In this image it is shown that hand of female protagonist  is fretchred. Although she can make her hairstyle very stylish and she also do  heavy makeup by her own, but she can not  wear sari her self. She need help from her husband. This is problem is found. If we read it by Critically or logically.

In the second image it is shown that the celebrity satish shah who tweeted this type of image.if we observe the history we can come to truth that in 1942 we haven't this type of flag. There was not an ashokchakra  was there. 

In the Critical Thinking context is everything. Here in this ad the context is found.

There  is some advertisement  also. If we read it critically we found problem. 

In this ad there is amitabh bachhan  who has not any economically problem. He is also known as superstar of the era. Although he was marketing for product of 5 rupees.  It is obvious that he does not eat this cheap product.

If something is true,what else has to be true, 

For prove this statement sir give us example of this image.

 This image was viral by sunny Leone  who is model of India. In this post (which is of kerala)she claim that this is car of amit shah and there is crowd of people. If it read as a critical thinking so it can be seen that the  of  literracy rate of  kerala was high. the other thing  was if it was car of any political leader so there was not only one car but there was a fleet of cars was there.

Milan sir also  gave us one  activity(image is given below) 

from this image we have to identify various category and then classification of it. i  had found categories like this. I had found this type of categories.

Realigion:Candle, religious book

Melting things:Icecream, Candle

Movies:Robot,Roti kapda, makan 

Food:Bread, apple, pizza, 

Books:Home and the world, Great Gatsby

House hold things:couch,  mixture

Art realted things:violin,  painting

This Quote  also discussed  by Sir. In which he talk about do not believe in your teacher's  opinion. You should think by your own.

This image is looking like sewing machine which can be read as there is two genration was there. As man is bread winner he has responsibility of whole family. Woman is also support man economically. In this image it can be also seen that as children has no responsibility  they enjoy the life.


So, in this workshop I had get sense of how the Critical Thinking and creative thinking should be done and why this thinking process is necessary. 


African Literature

Name: Hirva Pandya Roll No.: 10 Enrollment No.: 4069206420210022 Paper no: 206 Paper code: 22413 Paper name: African Literature  Sem.: 4 (Ba...