Sunday, 31 October 2021


The rape of the lock is a mock heroic poem by the Alexander i am sharing some question&answer related to this lesson the  RAPE OF THE LOCK.  the all answers are given  according  to my point  of view.

(1)What is beauty? Write your own  views about beauty?
Beauty  is not only thing by which  we can attrack  the person. According  to my view beauty has two type 
(1)outer beauty
(2) inner beauty 
 According  to my view outer beauty  is more important in now a days . Itis .ore superficial than the inner beauty no one looks at your inner beauty.As per society if you are looking very gorgeous by outer beauty you are very good person no one has notice your inner beauty.

If you are looking not so good by outer beauty, than the every person of society judge you in different  level&different  point of view no one  notice how good you are by inner side, no matter how you  think?people always judge you by the  outer beauty.

Here  in the RAPE  OF THE LOCK  for belienda   beauty  is more important.   She has pride on  TWO CURLY LOCKS . As the poem ends the lock of hair cut by the baron with the help of her lady friend Clarissa .

(2)According  to you who is protagonist of the poem belienda or Clarissa?why?Give  your answer with logical reasons
According  to my point of view Clarissa  is more appropriate  character to become a protagonist because  as a protagonist  character have some qualities  which Clarissa  has but belienda  has not those such type of quality. As per poet belienda is a person  who loves her beauty a lot. She is living as per  condition of society , but as a protagonist  she has not so attractive  and appropriate  personality as Clarissa has. Clarissa has a quality which a protagonist  character should have first of all, she has a fearless nature, she is a person who is not given so much  importance  to her beauty, for her the condition of society is not much important , or we can say she is free to prove her point without any hesitation. And last but not least  we can say that she is voice of author. This is a  most important  charterstics a protagonist  should have. By this characteristics  I can say that Clarissa  is most appropriate  to became a protagonist  of the RAPE OF THE LOCK

(3)Find out a research  paper  on the rape of the lock give details about the research  paper and write down in brief what does it say about the RAPE OF THE LOCK

Alexander Pope was an 18th century English poet. He was best known for his satirical verses and mocking poetry. He wrote many great poems among which ‘An Essay on Criticism’, ‘The Rape of the Lock’, and ‘Essay on man’ are the most prominent poems. His poem, The Rape of the Lock is considered as the finest mock-epic of the 18th century. The central incident in the poem is the theft of a lock of hair and the resulting quarrel between two families.

The Rape of the Lock is a mock-heroic narrative poem. In this poem, Pope has mocked the triviality of the contemporary period. At his time, the trivial matters held much importance. In the title, the poet associates the serious matter of ‘rape’ with the trivial theft of a ‘lock of the hair’. By doing this, he showed how unnecessary things were given serious attention at that time.

His poem is written in five cantos. The poem satirizes a minor incident by comparing it to the epic world of gods. The poem was inspired by an actual incident which had been recounted by his friend, John Caryll. It was about the members of the aristocratic-catholic family. Peter, having a high rank in the society, cut off a lock of hair of Arabella without her permission. This act created a breach between two families. The narrative of the poem revolved around this incident.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021


 (1)Which version of novel is more appealing  novel or film adaption?
 The film adaption  of pride &prejudice  is more appealing  rather than the literary novel because in novel there is only words and by the words we have to  imagine  that thing. When the film adaption  help us to understand  characteristics  of the character  as well as there gesture&poster,   facial expressions  of character We can see in the  film. So According  to my point of view film adaption  is more appealing  than the literary novel.

(2)character  of Elizabeth 
_ Head strong woman with pride
    Elizabeth is strong woman in the novel as well as in film. This characteristics  of Elizabeth we can observe when the lady Kathrine  meet to Elizabeth  to talk about regarding darcy. Kathrine told her that  she have to denied darcy because  relationship of darcy and her daughter has fixed when they both are child but Elizabeth  strongly denied her that if darcy propose  her she say yes to darcy so this scene  represents   strongestness  of Elizabeth. 

_strong opinion 
 She has strong opinions  than  the Jane  she was able to make any decision by her self.if she not liked any man she was able to give her opinion on that man or thing.

Elizabeth   has judgemental  nature  when Wickham  told story of his life she easily judge  Mr. Darcy and that's  why she has  prejudice  regarding  Mr  darcy. 

(3)Character  sketch of Mr  Darcy
Mr. Darcy has a introvert  personality. He was not able to show his emotion towards Elizabeth. 

Slient lover
Mr. Darcy was presented as a slient. He can not express  hislove towards Elizabeth.  He  also can not tell his friend Mr  bingley  that he love Elizabeth  .

(6)who would your choice  of actors to play the role of characters
I would  like to play to character of Elizabeth  because she is only one in the novel who has their own opinion.she is not inspired by anyone. She has no fear of any one. She is only one who told the lady Catherine  that she is marry with Mr darcy.she is only one who is honest lady and for her  love is  more important than  the money.

(7)Which scene  you like the most?
 2 scenes are my most favorite  scene
  1. When darcy propose  to Elizabeth  and express his emotions  to her but Elizabeth  denied him with very proudly&confidently .she has no worry about reaction of darcy as well as society of that era.

(2) Meeting of lady kathrine&Elizabeth 
 In  this scene  lady Kathrine  told
Elizabeth   that she have to denied marry with darcy. Because  relationship  of darcy&her daughter  fixed very earlier but Elizabeth denied her. She also said 4hat when  darcy propose  her she accept  his proposal  and  marry with him  this scene represents    pride, strongness   of Elizabeth. 

(5)If you are director or a screen play writer what should  diffrance  making of the movie?
  If I am director  or screen play writer I want to make changes in the character of Mrs. Bennet and the character  of Jane because Mrs. Bennet has very tensed about the marriage of her daughters as well  as she always running behind the wealthy man , she never tried  to understand the opinion of daughter. And another character is  Jane   because Jane is slient character  she is not enough strong like Elizabeth  so I want to change in this two characters. 

Tuesday, 19 October 2021


       Macbeth is written by William shakespear  he was a unique figure of  Elizabethan  age  he wrote sonnets, tragedy,and also comedy.


       Macbeth  is a tragedy which is written by William shakespear  it is first performed  in 1606  it dramatize  ambition of protagonist  and because of his  ambitious  nature  the play turns into  tragedy 

 What is diffrance between literary text& film 
Literary work revel story  in narrative  form while movie revel the story  through  audio&visual.
In present time there are many flim adoptetion  regarding literary text  Macbeth has also film adoptetion  with serial improvision  which is made by director. Macbeth has so many film adoptetion  but here I share three distinctive  adoptetion  of  Macbeth 

Flim adoption of Macbeth 
          First film adaptation  of Macbeth  which is adopted by  Orson well

Welles film entirely shoot in  barren studio  floor Western. The studio had made a fact that the chose   emphasis  rather than  obfuscate. Welles was able  to translate  the physical  spaces of film.As the film progress  the various  set pieces background  actors and props seem to slowly vanish  to frame leaving Macbeth   isolated  both visually and  psychologically. 

    Flim is begin with   using this   dialougue double double toil and trouble.  In this adoptetion  witches carry  stuffed with fork  in v shape and displayed hold over  Macbeth . Welles worked in the similar shapes into the shapes  when Macbeth as and stolen throne  we see that it is shaped like  tip of the witches stuff

         Opening scene of  Macbeth
            Adepted by: Orson well

         In this adoptetion   there are  few character from the play  are eliminated   Ross is minor character his character cut from  the flim. But much of his dialougue given to a major character

       Welles is adept a  Narrative  language   from the original play.

Lady Macbeth  is most captivating  character  of the screen . It does add to  the feeling as Welles said that film is more  of a bold character sketch  extremely well with expressive quality of film.

  Improvision by the director

     In the movie by  Orson wells which is based on Macbeth  he put loaded interpretation   of the play  theater   project in 1936 in this fkim setting was Scotland. Flim is  represented  by entire black caste. When in originally text there was a entire caste was white. And no much  loud interpretation 

 Second  film adoption  by Akira  kurosawa

Akira  kurosawa  was a Japanese  film maker he changed the name when he make a film which is based  on Macbeth  the name of the film  was  throne of blood  which is directed by  akira kurosawa.  When he making a film he face some conflict regarding the structure of a play . He make some liberal changes. 

       This adoptetion  film was begin with witches  the director didn't  make  straight  forward adoptetion  of Macbeth  but it is relocated in Japan. 

 Many of character  are more  or less it is not as we expected  macbeth become washizu  lady macbeth become lady asaji and banque become miki. In this film adoptetion  there is chorus. In this film adoptetion  there is  Ross  is not most notable  character not even macduff was. This last ominious  critical adoptetion   as it result  it  is entirely  different  from original  text.

        The best visual moment  was shakespear  language of dialouge . When miki lost in forest in movie  recieve their prophesy  get lost in castle  this scene seems last to  eternity  or at least well passed point  which more director would have figured   at served  its  purpose there is no dialouge .

While  lady asaji(lady macbeth)  shares many  core scenes with the audience. Washizu   presenting each subsequent  action in the  movie.

 Here lady macbeth  represented as  dynamic  and expressive eternal  source for washizu and deliberate &argue with  him. Which  is more  cinematic then  wrestling  with inner  thoughts. 

 Improvision by director
 Here the film maker was Japanese  so he  changed the name of film as well as  the  name  of the character in flim also

 Adoptetion  of macbeth  by Roman Polanski

 In  this adoptetion  the movie started  with 
The dialouge  with fair is foul foul is fair     unborn child of Macbeth which is most accurate   to the text  no less than cinematic. Character motivation  through  contextual  visual. Include minor character polanski latches  to the fact that  macbeth is slightly  longer than  the other  character. In this film polanski  connected  dots between sequential nature  of event  at the end of film  rides out alone  witches to home but there is no  dialouges. 

      Beyond the character moments there were  numerous  motifs  that  further reflect  polanski  fatalistic  view.

          Polanski utilizes primary colors to represent guilt and fear, drenching Macbeth’s restless body in the sanguine light that pours through his bedroom window, paralleling his bloody reign. The deep blues of twilight also carry metaphorical heft, washing over the fallen Banquo as his corpse floats in a shallow pool of water, echoing the cold distance of a king willing to slay his most loyal subject. The spell conjured by this evocative shading and frenzied violence is amplified by the high-pitched squeal of Third Ear Band’s avant-garde improvisations, eliciting panic through blurts of oboe and shredded violin strings.
Polanski focuses on the physical expression of rage in the final act, typifying his artistic vision by linking internal torment to external aggression. His Macbeth exhibits a measured pace, but builds to an unbearable tension, marrying a lesson in humility to a study in existential dread and mortal cruelty.

Words :901

Monday, 18 October 2021


This is my class room activity of neo classical period. The neo classical period brought so many new things.

Meaning of neo classical :
Realting  to constituting  revival or adoption of the classical  epically in literature.

In the neo classical  period  there is so many writer as well as poet. Here I give you some brief introduction  about Alexander pope.

                  image of Alexander  pope 
Alexander  pope : 
 He was a unique figure. In the first he was genration poet of a great nation  to be sure poetry has limited  in the eighteenth  century   there were few lyrics  no drama or songs of nature considered.   

 was   undisputed  master.

Life of pope:

Pope   was born in London  in 1688  The year  of revolution.  His parents  were both catholics  who presently removed from  London  and settled in Banfield   near the Windsor where the poet childhood pass. In a very early age he started write a poetry and record the fact with his usual vanity.

 Education of Alexander  pope
Pope received very little education in twyford school but browsed himself  among english books and picked up smattering  of classical.
           image of pope's  school

           When pope was only 16 years old he written his  pastorals  after some years he write "ESSAY ON CRITICISM "  which made him famous with the  publication  of the "RAPE OF THE LOCK"  pope  name was known in all  over England

         Voltaire  called him  "THE BEST POET OF ENGLAND AND AT PRESENT,  OF ALL  THE WORLD"

           ESSAY ON MAN


 This essay sums up  art of poetry taught  first by  horse then the  bolieau  and eighteenth   century classicism. This  work is written in heroic couplet

  This is masterpiece  of pope. This is epic poem. In this poem mannerisms  of society  are  pictured in detail  and also satirized with the delicate wit. This  poem has five parts or we can call it cantos. The poem modeled  after two  foreign satires first is bolieaus le lu trin a satire on French clergy  second is La secchia rapita   a famous satire  petty causes Italian wars. The  RAPE OF THE LOCK  has still worth reading for as an expression  of artifical  life of the age it is as perfect  in its way as tamburlaine  which  reflects boundless  ambition  of elizabethens.

 Pope translated    famous play humor. From Greek language   he translated  in the  English language.  Pope translated illiad & half of odyssey.

 Essay on man
 This essay  known as best known and   most quoted  work of pope and when it is considered as essay it reduce it to plain prose   the purpose of essay is in pope's  words "to vindicate the ways of God to man"
 And there is no unanswered  problem  in pope's  philosophy the vindication  as per factly accomplished   in four poetical epistles  concerning  man relations  to universe   to himself to society to happiness. Some are well known lines  when we summed   up

          All the nature but art unknown to  thee      All  chance direction which thou canst see
           All the partical evil universal good
  And spite of pride,  in  erring  reason's  spite

 This  well known lines  abound quotable lines of  " essay   of criticism"

  When we look at the life  of the Alexander pope  we  come across the fact that when the  period of Neoclassical  has started  pope  knew little  of the world nature or the world of human heart. He was laking noble feeling and instinctively  chose a lie  when when the truth manifestly more advantages.he was becoming jealous. This jealous peevish, waspish little man become  most famous poet  of his age & acknowledged  leader of english  literature. 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

About poem lockdown

The poem lock down is a pictorial poem written by  symon Armitage.  It is creative response to covid 19.

The poem has two dream sequence  which speaker has having.  First dream sequence is about 1965_66 plague. Which is in  the village of  northern side in London  the name of village is black beth.  In this village because  of plague  people were dying  on the road.  This poem is deadly remembrance of plague 

Second dream sequence was exotic dream the dreamer travels back  in the time of kalidas 'meghdutam' a cloud messenger.
Here  symon Armitage put to diffrant images one from east another from west  he tries to put in lockdown.

Poem begin with this line
And I couldn't  escape the walking  dream
Of infected,
In the wrap and weft of soggy cloth by tailors  hearth
Then couldn't  unseen
The boundary stone
 This boundary stone represent the quartine  line because of plague no one moved to one to another village so stone symbiote quartine line.  

In the  next stanza poet talks about if people want to exchange something  they put coin.

In the next stanza poet talks about two lovers as the plague pandemic goes on those time the lovers  was not able to meet each other so they decide not to symon Armitage  recalls theory of star cross  lovers which we almost  poem goes on entire family  affected  by plague  love story got tragic end. Even today  in the church there is glass painting  of these two lovers.

In the next stanza symon Armitage  use kalidas technique he put  streams like necklace,  dancing cranes fan tailed peacock  by the use of this elements  the poem looks more beautiful.

This poem is remind us the poem of rudeyard Kipling East or west and the poem of rabindranath tagore.


Introduction  of Samuel butler
    Samuel butler was most prominent  figure of  Restoration  age.
Biographyof Samuel butler
  Butler was born Samuel Butler (bautizado el 14 February 1613 -  25 September 1680 was a satirist he is remembered now his prominent work  hudibras.

          inage of Samuel butler

Butler  was born in  strensham  worcestershire and was son of farmer  and church warden, also known as Samuel. His date of birth was unknown but as per evidence  date of his baptism of 14 February.  According  to his work hudibras 8 February  said tread well Russell nash. Nash has already mentioned  butler in his   collection  for history of worcestershire.
Butler was brought up in the house hold  of sir William  Russell   of strensham  and became his cleark.

 Education of butler
 Butler was  educated  king school worcester under  Henry  bright    whose teaching  is recorded  favorably  by  Thomas fuller.

 Some incidents of butler's  life
During the days of Cromwell  protectorate  he was employ of Samuel  Luke,   a crabbed and  extreme type of  puritan nobel man and here he collected his material  and probably wrote the first part of his barlsque, which of course  he did not dare  until  after the restoration 

Work of Samuel butler 
Hudibras is only one and noteble work of  Samuel butler. 

About hudibras
Hudibras  is an English mock heroic narrative  poem  the 17 century written by Samuel butler publish  in the aftermath  of english civil war, it is scathing  satire of puritan and the parliament  cause of royal perspective



Structure of hudibras 
 Title was taken from edmund spensar   fariequeen   described as  not so good deeds as great of name and more huge in strength than wise in work Spencer turn probably  got the  name from   legendary king of Britons  rud gud hudibras. 

  The poem was  written in  iambic meter in  close couplets   with surprising  feminine rhymes  when we opens up the poem , where english  civil war  describe thus

When civil fury first grew high,
And men fell out they knew not why,
When hard WordsJealousies, and Fears,
Set Folks together by the Ears,
And made them fight, like mad or drunk,
For Dame Religion, as for Punk;
Whose honesty they all durst swear for,
Though not a man of them knew wherefore:
When Gospel-Trumpeter surrounded,
With long-ear'd rout, to Battle sounded,
And Pulpit, Drum Ecclesiastick,

Was beat with fist, instead of a stick:
Then did Sir Knight abandon dwelling,
And out he rode a Colonelling.
This poem  was  published  in three parts  each divided
 Into canots  with some additional  heroic epistles. It is 
Possible that fourth part was planned  
 Plot of the poem
 In the very first part of poem describe tha knight and his squire Sally forth and come upon some people bear -baiting. After deciding that this is anti Christian they attack tha baiters and capture one after defeating the bear.

  In the second part describes how the knight's imprisoned  condition is reported by  widow hudibras has been wooing.

Third part was publish after  14 year of first two part  it picks up from where the second left  off hudibras  going to widow's  house  to explain details  of the whipping  he had promising him self but Ralph had got there first and told her what actually  has happened.
Significant of the poem

Hudibras was an extremely popular work with pirate copies and a spurious second part being issued before Butler could produce his genuine second part in 1664. It was highly praised with Voltaire in his Letters on the English saying "I never found so much wit in one single book". One reader though was distinctly unimpressed. On 26 December 1662 Samuel Pepys recorded in his diary that he bought Hudibras, but, despite its being extremely popular at the time, he admitted finding no humour in it and selling it the same day. Two months later he bought it again to try to find what he was missing. He still found nothing funny about it, due to his finding its treatment of Puritans too vicious and being insensitive to the humour of the rhymes.

         In his poem, Butler coined the phrase "Spare the rod and spoil the child," probably a modification of bilibcleinjunction about child-rearing given in book of proverb: "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes" 

. In the context of Hudibras the phrase is a bawdy metaphor suggesting the best way to curtail amorous passions or, through double entendre, to prevent conception:

If Matrimony and Hanging go
By Dest'ny, why not Whipping too?
What med'cine else can cure the fits
Of Lovers when they lose their Wits?
Love is a Boy by Poets stil'd,
Then Spare the Rod, and spill

Movie review on frankenstein

   Victor frankenstein  is movie which is released  on  November 4 1994.there is various actor & actress  which is as per below.  
           image of frankenstein  book

List of actor&actress who played various chacharter  of novel
Robert de niro- creature
Kenneth branagh- victor
Tom hulce- Henry
Helena bonham Carter- elizqbeth
Aidan quinn- walton
Ian holm- Victor's father
John cleese- waldman
Charie lunghi- Victor's mother
Trevino mcdowell-justin 

  This movie directed by kennethbranagh, produced by Francis Fordcollpola cinemetography by Rogerpratt, music by patrickdoyle, edited by andrew 8marcus casting by lucindasyson script by amiepen, annaworley based on, Maryshelley  frankenstein. 

                      Summary  of frankenstein 

Critically evaluation of frankenstein:

   Victor professor wrote a book how to create a creature and what things are necessary to gave a creature life. 

  Victor thought to experiment to gave creature life but because of pandemic he does not continue his experiment.

  After sometime he realize that his experiment not take place in the science so he destroyed it.

  His professor also told him that this is a evil creature whom use teach but Victor continue experiments and make a creature. 

  After sometime Victor fallen in, on the other side creature get a life but here Victor doesn't know about creature was alive or died?

  Creature was not accepted by society because of his hidious look and his creater ignorance. 

  Creature go out from the place and make a delessy  family. In this family there are four members.

  Creature observed discussion of the family in the delessy family one man was blind and he only one who accepted a creature because he was not able to see.

  After sometime delessy family left the town , now creature was alone.

  On the other hand Victor and Elizabeth was planning about their marriage.

  Victor doesn't know creature was alive.

  Here old man asked creature why creature was not living with his family? 5the creature answered that the family members living very far away from him. He also said that the family members are very beautiful and he is so different so they doesn't accept the creature.

  Now creature went the laboratory of victor and himself read about experiment of victor.

  Now creature moved to Geneva for revenge from Victor.

  As a part of revenge creature killed William.

  Now creature and Victor both meet. Creature asked about make a companion for him.

  Creature also asked that Victor do you know about me? 

  The mind of creature is a mind of Victor's professor who was die at very first part of the novel.

  Creature asked so many questions to Victor. 

  Creature also said that he need a companion who accept him, love him and he also demand to Victor that if he make companion for the creature he live the place and go at some secret place where nobody can find him.

  Victor denying  him.
  Because of deny Victor lost his family as well as his love interest Elizabeth also.

  After loose his family he doesn't want to live without his family specially without Elizabeth. 

  Victor's death. 
Creature was burnt himself
Robert goes  at 

 Comparison between  movie&novel
  In the novel there is Elizabeth died but in movie Victor stitches the body of justline and the in the body of juatline, he put heart of Elizabeth.

  In the novel creature goes to somewhere but in the movie creature burnt himself.

  In the movie and novel some scenes are as it is but some are changed.

  In the novel there is female character are very less important. In novel we can see that.

Audience review:

  As per audience ait is so different original version with boris karloff which is masterpiece it has great cinemetography great acting ,but last but not least, DeNiro fabulous  and cast against type as a tragic sympathetic creature. 

My own review:

 Frankenstein is very interesting as well as curious movie it has a power by which we  have to stuck to see movie.




(2)What made creature a monster?
First of all, when the story start with the story start with journey of victor. As story goes on  in the middle part of story  victor made a creature but after stitching  creature it looks so hidious   and because of his looks neither victor nor society accept  and because of ignorance &rejection of society&victor creature wants revenge from the family of victor. Because of two aspects   
2. Ignorance of creator 
Make creature a monster.

(6)Who decides what beauty is ? It is real or superficial?
Our appearance decides our beauty. As per society outer beauty is most important  if your look was not so good enough society rejected.
 If you have inner beauty so good but you are not  look  good enough society  rejected  you.
As we can see here in the character of victor&creature  are diffrant from each other. Here creature is so beautiful by inner nature  he is so kind hearted but because of his outer look not so good so people rejected  him.
On the other side victor was not so good by inner nature  but he looks so beautiful  that's  why people accepted  him. 
So, here we can see that the outer beauty more powerful  than the inner beauty.

(5).who is suffering  from deformity  in the novel?which  kind of  deformity  in the novel?
 There is a creature  who  is suffering from  disability  there is appearance is disability.
The deformity  is something by which type of deformity  you judge  by every people of society who is suffering  from deformity  he/she have to face a problem  in every  stage of life.
Here we can see by the character of creature  that he has deformity  with his appearance   and because  of appearance  he got rejection by the people  of society &he was judge by every people of society.

(7) Search for life victor-robert- creature 
 In this story there are  three characters  who search for life
Victor has everything but because of revenge  with creature he lost his family,now he don't  want to live without family especially  without  Elizabeth so he is search for life.

Robert  has also every thing but he has hungry for knowledge  and because of his hungerness  he was also search for life.

Creature  has no so good enough  look but he want a female companion who is accept him with her heart so creature  is also a part of search of life.

(8)villain  in frankenstein
Here there are two villain as we read novel we  came across that ultimately  villain  is victor. Because of victor create a creature than he ignore creature and because of  victor creature faces so many trouble. Here we can argue that if victor is female character he has mother heart  he accept creature without any hesitation. But as a male he can't  able to accept a creature with his heart and because of this type  behavior  creature faces a problem and rejection from society. So here we can say that victor is villain  of this story.

African Literature

Name: Hirva Pandya Roll No.: 10 Enrollment No.: 4069206420210022 Paper no: 206 Paper code: 22413 Paper name: African Literature  Sem.: 4 (Ba...